


纽约州州长安德鲁·库莫(Andrew Cuomo)表示,纽约将在基础设施方面投资3060亿美元,以振兴该州的经济,改善疫情带来的影响。

库莫在州长致辞中宣布了包括510亿美元曼哈顿Midtown West社区重建等在内的多项计划。



该州的机场、铁路和公路建设将获得可观的投资,其中160亿美元将用于Penn Station的更新和扩建,以增加40%的火车通行能力。纽约州将继续进行80亿美元的拉瓜迪亚机场(LaGuardia Airport)翻新工程,以及130亿美元的肯尼迪国际机场(JFK Airport)翻新工程。


New York to invest US$306 billion in infrastructure

By Andy Brown

Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York state, has said that New York would spend $306 billion on infrastructure to help revive the state’s economy and, “lift the spirits” of the population – both of which have been badly hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.

In his ‘state of the state’ address Governor Cuomo announced plans that includes a US$51 billion plan to redevelop Manhattan’s Midtown West neighbourhood, including the replacement of the Port Authority bus terminal, a famous landmark in the city.

In his address he said that, “History teaches us that when the private economy is lagging the public sector can spur activity. That when unemployment is high, the public sector can create jobs. That only the public sector can build the common economic platform for growth. Across the state, we’re now building bigger and better, and laying the foundation for our future. Not even Covid stopped us.

“We used the period of reduced traffic to accelerate projects throughout the state. Altogether we are expanding our infrastructure plan to invest $306 billion in the future of New York. That’s not just the largest infrastructure plan in New York history. It’s the largest, most ambitious plan put forward by any state in the nation.”

The state’s airports, railways and roads will receive considerable investment, with US$16 billion to be spent on a renewal and expansion of Penn Station to add 40% more train capacity. The state will continue with its US$8 billion refurbishment of LaGuardia Airport and on the US$13billion refurb of JFK Airport.






