The all-electric rail portal mounted crane, equipped with synchronous electric motors and a high-performance energy storage system, will be used mainly to handle bulk at Rostock Overseas Port
利勃海尔最近报告了向电气化海事起重机的“重大转变”,这是另一个例子,这次是轨道门式起重机。迄今为止,大多数LPS 420 E 已交付给俄罗斯客户,Euroports Germany 的起重机将成为西欧的第一台起重机。
Liebherr recently reported a "significant shift" towards electrified maritime cranes and here comes another example, this time in the rail portal-mounted variant. To date most LPS 420 Es have gone to customers in Russia and Euroports Germany’s crane will be the first in Western Europe.
Euroports Germany是罗斯托克海外港口和整个梅克伦堡-前波美拉尼亚最大的港口装卸公司,已经运营两台利勃海尔 LHM 550 MHC 用于普通货物装卸和一台 LHM 280 MHC 用于散装货物。新的 LPS 420 E 最大外伸距离为 48M,最大起重量(钩下)为 124 吨。
Euroports Germany is the largest port handling company in the Rostock overseas port and in the whole of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and already operates two Liebherr LHM 550 MHCs for general cargo handling and a LHM 280 MHC for bulk. The new LPS 420 E, with a maximum outreach of 48M and a maximum lift (under hook) of 124 tonnes, will join the fleet in summer next year.
“我们希望进一步加强我们散货码头的装卸性能。在来年,我们不仅投资购买新起重机以提高效率,而且我们还希望为可持续发展做出贡献,”Karsten Lentz 管理说 Euroports 德国集团董事。
"We want to further strengthen the handling performance at our bulk terminal. In the coming year, we are not only investing in a new crane to be even more efficient, but we also want to make our contribution to sustainability," said Karsten Lentz Managing Director of the Euroports Germany Group.
“LPS 420 E 将用于处理该码头的所有类型的货物。除了建筑材料外,还包括矿石、石灰、石膏、木屑等。”
"The LPS 420 E will be used to handle all types of goods at this terminal. In addition to building materials, this includes ores, lime, gypsum, wood chips and many more."
The main components of the electric drive are liquid-cooled and the heat is dissipated via heat exchangers mounted outside the crane. Externally mounted cooling units have the advantage, especially in bulk handling, that no air is brought into the interior of the crane. This keeps dust contamination to a minimum.
Thanks to the Liebherr active front-end frequency converter, deviations in the power supply can be easily compensated for safe and stable operation. The machine is equipped with high-performance power accumulators to reduce the peak load in the crane’s main power supply and to use regenerative energy within the system. In addition, the synchronous electric motors have a low moment of inertia and provide fast response for precise driving characteristics.(本文来自港口装卸机械)