
Bruks Siwertell 获得科威特波特兰水泥公司ST 490-M螺旋卸船机订单


Bruks Siwertell 赢得了老客户科威特波特兰水泥公司的一份新订单,用于购买 ST 490-M Siwertell 卸船机,该卸船机配备了新的侧倾运动装置,可提高通船效率。它将加入位于科威特科威特市帅巴港的另一台水泥装卸 Siwertell 卸船机,该卸船机已为运营商提供了二十多年的环保材料装卸。

Bruks Siwertell has won a new order from returning customer, Kuwait Portland Cement Co, for an ST 490-M Siwertell ship unloader, equipped with a new side tilt motion for enhanced through-ship efficiency. It will join another cement handling Siwertell ship unloader in Shuaiba Port, Kuwait City, Kuwait, which has been securing environment-friendly material handling for the operator for over two decades.

Bruks Siwertell 销售经理 Peter Göransson 说:“科威特波特兰水泥得益于 20 年使用我们 Siwertell 螺旋卸船技术的经验。” “它知道我们的卸货机交付什么;该技术一次又一次地证明了它的能力,在排放和噪音方面展示了可靠性、效率和环境保护。

“Kuwait Portland Cement has benefited from 20 years of experience using our Siwertell screw-type technology,” says Peter Göransson, Sales Manager, Bruks Siwertell. “It knows what our unloaders deliver; time and again the technology has proven its capabilities, demonstrating reliability, efficiency, and environmental protection in terms of emissions and noise.

“事实上,运营商退回第二台机组的主要原因是其原始交付的出色运行性能,”Göransson 继续说道。“我们持续的服务支持以及 Bruks Siwertell 对维护和备件的终身承诺是其他主要决定因素。” 新的卸船机将为科威特波特兰水泥提供更高水平的性能和通船效率。“它采用了一种新的侧倾运动方式,可以更好地伸入货舱角落以及舱口围板下方,”他补充道。“因此,清理阶段留下的材料更少,从而减少了船舶周转时间,提高了码头的利用率,从而提高了盈利能力。

“In fact, the main reason why the operator returned for a second unit is the outstanding operational performance of its original delivery,” continues Göransson. “Our ongoing service support, along with Bruks Siwertell’s through-life commitment to maintenance and spare parts were other major deciding factors.”

“此外,所有 Siwertell 卸货机都提供逐层卸货流程,从而最大限度地减少货舱雪崩造成的空气排放机会。侧倾功能增加了这种能力,”Göransson 指出。

The new unloader will deliver even higher levels of performance and through-ship efficiency to Kuwait Portland Cement. “It features a new side tilt motion, which offers an enhanced reach into the corners of the cargo hold as well as under the hatch coamings,” he adds. “As a result, less material is left for the clean-up phase, which reduces vessel turnaround times, raising the utilization rate of the jetty and therefore profitability.


“The new unloader is part of the operator’s long-term vision. It has been designed as a fully assembled, heavy-lift mode delivery, but will actually be transported in break bulk,” he explains. “This enables it to be relocated, fully assembled, to a new location should the customer wish to do so in the future, minimizing any transition downtime.”

计划于 2023 年年中交付港口,轨道式装置将处理各种水泥类型,并提供 800 吨/小时的连续物料处理能力,卸货船可达 50,000 载重吨。它将安装在运营商的旧 ST 490-F 轨道式 Siwertell 卸船机旁边的现有码头上。

Planned for delivery to the port in mid-2023, the rail-mounted unit will handle various cement types and deliver a continuous material handling capacity of 800t/h, discharging vessels up 50,000 dwt. It will be installed on an existing jetty next to the operator’s older ST 490-F, rail-mounted Siwertell unloader.


Both the current and new unloader will be equipped with a total capacity regulating system, maximizing the use of each unit, but ensuring that they do not overfill the downstream conveying system. They can also directly discharge to bulk trucks via a truck loading arrangement underneath the ship unloader’s gantry.

“新的卸载机配备了两个卸载装置,”Göransson 说。“这是一项巨大的资产,可以增加冗余并确保在下游输送系统出现问题时将任何滞期费保持在最低水平。”

“The new unloader is equipped with two out-loading units,” says Göransson. “This is a great asset, delivering increased redundancy and ensuring that any demurrage costs are kept to a minimum if there is an issue with the downstream conveying system.”

与其前身一样,新的卸载机也设计用于在科威特的极端气候下运行。为了适应该地区预计的气温上升,最新的装置可以承受高达 55 摄氏度的夏季环境温度。

Like its predecessor, the new unloader is also designed to operate in Kuwait’s extreme climate. To accommodate predicted temperature rises in the region, the latest unit can withstand ambient summertime temperatures of up to 55 degrees Celsius.(本文来自港口装卸机械)





