


来自马来西亚霹雳州首府怡保的Anting,是临工设备的资深用户,近年来一直从事土方、采石等工程业务。2017年,Anting采购了第一台临工L956F装载机,经过多年的使用,深受 Anting 喜爱。

Anting, from Ipoh, the capital of Perak State, Malaysia, is a senior user of SDLG machines. He has been engaged in earthwork and quarrying businesses for many years. In 2017, Anting purchased his first SDLG L956F Wheel Loader. Over the years, he has grown quite fond of this machine.

“从来没有一台装载机可以干这么长时间而没有大修故障”,Anting说“L956F 动力强劲、效率高、油耗低。我已把他当我的朋友,在他的帮助下,我抓住了机遇,收获丰厚的利润”。

“Never has a Loader been able to work for such a long time without overhaul.” Anting said. “L956F features sufficient power, high efficiency, low fuel consumption. I regard it as my friend. Thanks to his help, I’ve seized the opportunity and got rich profits."


When we met Anting in the beautiful lpoh mountains, L956F loader was loading with stones. Its yellow color looked very bright against the background of the blue sky.

与Anting聊天,他说:“在2017年之前,主要用的是欧美日韩的二手设备,设备故障率高,经常需要大修。2017年,在朋友推荐下我购买了一台SDLG 装载机。结果证明我的选择是对的,使用了5年,无大修故障,期间只出现了两次小故障,每次临工服务人员都能及时赶到并解决问题,没有耽误干活。”

Talking with Anting, he said “Before 2017, we mainly used second-hand equipment from Europe, America, Japan and South Korea. All those have high failure rates and often need to be overhauled. In 2017, I bought a SDLG wheel loader following my friend’s suggestions. It turned out that the choice was pretty right. No overhaul failure occurred in the past 5 years, and only two minor failures raised, and each time SDLG service staff could arrive in time and solve the problem without delaying the work”.


In the past few years, with the increase of business volume, he has successively purchased two new SDLG L956F Wheel Loaders. Anting is a kind-hearted man. He wants more people to benefit from SDLG machine and recommends them to his friends from nearby quarries. With his recommendation, they also purchased SDLG Loader.


"Although the business has declined in the past two years due to the impact of the epidemic, the SDLG L956F, an energy-saving, efficient and reliable assistant, has effectively guaranteed our performance." Anting said: "It is lucky for me to choose SDLG, and I always believe in SDLG's commitment of Reliability in Action. I do believe that L956F will fight together with me for the next 5 years."(本文来自临工全球,点击链接阅读原文)







