


卡尔玛是Cargotec的一部分,已收到诺曼底Terminaux的重复订单,提供12辆油电混合动力跨运车,供位于勒阿弗尔港的诺曼底MSC码头和Porte Océane码头使用。Terminal Normandie MSC和Terminal Porte Océane是Terminal Investment Limited投资组合的一部分,是MSC和2M的主要法国门户码头,与欧洲市场有驳船和铁路多式联运连接。该订单已列入Cargotec2022年第一季度订单,预计将于2022年第四季度完成交付。该订单是在2021年第三季度预订的类似订单交付之后完成的。

Kalmar, part of Cargotec, has received a repeat order from Terminaux de Normandie to supply 12 diesel-electric straddle carriers for use at both Terminal Normandie MSC & Terminal Porte Océane located at the Port of Le Havre. Terminal Normandie MSC & Terminal Porte Océane, part of Terminal Investment limited portfolio, are MSC’s and 2M’s principal French gateway terminals with barge and rail intermodal connectivity to the European market. The order was booked in Cargotec's 2022 first-quarter order intake, and delivery is expected to be completed during the fourth quarter of 2022. The order follows the delivery of a similar order booked in the third quarter of 2021.

Porte Océane码头提供快速便捷的货运方式。该码头于2007年开放,拥有勒阿弗尔最大的岸边集装箱起重机,能够处理超大型集装箱船。该码头的年产能为550,000 TEU。

Terminal Porte Océane offers quick and easy access to all forms of freight transport. Opened in 2007, the terminal features Le Havre’s largest STS cranes, and it is capable of handling ultra large container vessels. The terminal has an annual capacity of 550,000 TEU.


The Kalmar Straddle Carriers delivered to Terminaux de Normandie will have a four-high stacking capacity and a lifting capacity of 50 tons. Powered by a highly efficient diesel-electric power unit, the machines feature excellent manoeuvrability, quiet operation and easy maintenance as well as a spacious, ergonomic cabin that improves productivity by providing operators with the best possible driving experience.

Terminaux de Normandie董事总经理Arnaud Roques表示:“作为法国领先的集装箱码头运营商,我们致力于为客户提供创新和高质量的服务。卡尔玛的解决方案完全符合我们的雄心壮志。我们相信,新的跨运车将提供高性能和可靠性,以及低运营和维护成本。我们要感谢参与该项目的整个团队,因为我们刚刚收到了第一批12个新单元的交付,这是我们新合作伙伴关系的第一步。卡尔玛 EMEIA 销售副总裁 Mikko Mononen 表示:“我们很荣幸能够继续与诺曼底温泉合作,并期待与他们开展富有成效的合作。这一重复订单展示了我们久经考验的跨运车技术的实力,以及我们定制解决方案以满足客户运营需求的能力。

Arnaud Roques, Managing Director, Terminaux de Normandie: "As France's leading container terminal operator, we are committed to providing our customers with innovative and high-quality services. Kalmar’s solutions fit perfectly with our ambitions. We are confident that the new straddle carriers will deliver high performance and reliability combined with low operating and maintenance costs. We would like to thank the whole team involved in this project as we just received delivery of the first batch of 12 new units, this as a first step of our new partnership.” Mikko Mononen, Vice President, Sales, EMEIA, Kalmar: "We are honoured to continue our collaboration with Terminaux de Normandie and look forward to the fruitful collaboration with them. This repeat order demonstrates the strength of our proven straddle carrier technology and our ability to tailor our solutions to meet customers’ operational needs.”






